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You can now join our group online

You can now join or renew your membership to the Essex Badger Protection Group online by visiting our 'Join' page here.

To subscribe all you have to do is complete the form on the 'Join' page with your required membership details and click on the 'Buy Now' button. You will then be taken to our secure PayPal page where you may make your annual subscription payment. It's as simple as that!

All of our members receive regular email updates from the group as well as our Trax magazine and are able to attend our group meetings and take part in our activities. We always look forward to welcoming new members.

Contact Us:

  • Tel: 07341 944567
           07341 944568

  • eMail:

Patron: Mike Dilger
(Natural History Presenter)

The Essex Badger Protection Group
is affiliated to The Badger Trust

Registered charity No. 1111440

Website by Souris Systems